Monday, June 16, 2008

The Great Isla Blanca Lifeguard Discussion

There have been 4 drownings this year in Isla Blanca Park. Therefore it's time to enter into the Isla Blanca Lifeguard discussion once again.

Every few years when the heat gets turned up on Cameron Cunty, the administration of Parks and Recreation do what they do the very best.......they host a series of meetings and discussions and talk about the feasibility of implementing a life guard system at one of the busiest most dangerous beaches along the entire Gulf Coast. And so the park honchos, Javier Mendex and Joe Verga get their lunches paid for, get to disappear from any real work, and ultimately when the issue goes before the Cunty Commissioners, it is tabled again until the next paroxism of public outrage surfaces...every couple of years.

Lifeguards at Isla Blanca Park? Don't hold your breath or bet your life on it.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Wisdom of Saul (Ochoa)

Would you buy a used car from this man? No....but a lot of people entrusted him to be a Cunty Constable.....meanwhile he was selling dope on the side.

Of course the Cunty itself weighed in. The Cunty Judge, Karlos ("Napoleon") Casco-rones as usual talked out of both sides of his mouth, a couple of the cunty cumissioners expressed "surprise"...hell, how could an erected awful-official be capable of such a thing here en La Frontera, northmost Matamoros?

Buncha goddamn jerks.

They ought to be castrated (in the case of the males), or have their pussy lips sown shut in the case of the female type politico excuses for their complacence over generations of mismanagement of South Texas, so that neither genders has the ability to breed any more of their own worthless genetically inferior kind.

Hell, do we have to remind them of the pussy chasing Gilberto Hinojosa (who has recently resurfaced in another morph of human excrement), Conrado Cantu ("El Animo", I think "El Pendajo" is better though - one of the most corrupt sheriffs in recent history anywhere in the US.....oh I almost forgot....this ain't quite the US), Mark Yates (Who besides violating the Sherman anti-trust laws, inadvertently "gave" up all of the social security numbers to the public of all cunty employees by "mistake" should've seen the cunty scramble to try and save it's worthless asshole on that one!) or Rob Almon (tit grabbing fill in for Mark Yates) as just a few of the most recent shining examples of Cameron Cunty politics at its best?

Nope folks, thinks aren't likely to change till you demand better, and start watching over these worthless fucksticks with microscopic vision.

With respect to our history, I don't think that's too likely to happen though.

Two Minute Warning

Well....Yesterday I quit my phony-baloney county administrators job after Edna ("The Cunt") Tamayo sent me several insulting and degrading emails. I finally had enough, and I fired back an email to the wrinkled old bitch admonishing her for being such a goddamn, self aggrandizing, ignorant, prurient asshole.

The I realized that most of the verbiage I used probably wouldn't even register in the first place. Hell, her grasp of the English Language is so fucking poor to begin with that she would have a hard time discerning between the words "aggrandizement", "aggregate" and "aggravation". So I sent the smelly old hag another missive with that in mind.

Then I sent my two minute warning to the management, shut off my county cell phone and put my ID badge in the desk and left....

No Enda, it does not take a village, an army or anything else to raise a child. It takes caring and involved parents (which apparently you never had.....the best part of you ran down your mothers hairy leg)....

All of the learning centers, parks and other edifices that you are building in all of the "economically depressed" areas of your precinct of the Tragic Valley will become more billboards for more graffiti and vandalism.

You see Edna, these "children" are simply the soul-less vermin that inherit this area after you and all of your kind who espouse "entitlement" and "compassion" for our "recent immigrants" in order to engender more votes for your political gain foster are left with. They are the orts and leavings of people who fuck for pleasure and do not worry about the consequences thereof. They are the unwanted and unholy, who will forever be a problem to society, and much of it is YOUR FAULT.

Better you take the 6.5 million Certificate of Obligation dollars you absconded with and plow it into involuntary sterilization clinics for these people.

So, therefore I have declared war on you and all of your kind, and will do my best to expose your plots to subvert and mismanage the taxpayers money on parks, learning centers and the other nonsense that will quickly become more third world problem areas.

Be aware, I'm watching you and the other clowns in the Cunty Commission, and I am hell bent on exposing your wrongdoings.