Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Guerrero viejo returning to the submarine world. The old church on the left has been out of the water for about 10 years or more, during our drought. Last summer we had beau-coup rain, and now Falcon lake is near conservation level again. The water level is near the plaza square, visable on the right, behind the truck. That's a few of the viejitos milling around by the church in the foreground, like a bunch of cabras or something...."Gosh Mildred, I had a friend who used to fish around this area every winter, said that the only way he knew he was around here was by the cross on the top of the old church, just sticking out of the water.....". Bullshit. Never did happen. Water level only reached about half way up the main door, during flood capacity, then water flooded over the spillway on Falcon dam, lowering the level. We take groups over there about once or twice a year. It's about 150 miles from the Island, but I enjoy it...a major history dissertation...
 Posted by Hello

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