Monday, February 02, 2009

Since I last checked in....

It's been awhile since I've added anything new to this site. Probably doesn't get a lot of viewing anyhow......

Well, that's fixin' to change yasee.....

A lot of things are transpiring (have transpired) since my last missive, and so I have some catching up to do.

Like talking about the leaning tower of South Padre Island....

Or the recent closure of Gabriellas Restaurant in Port Isabel, and the impending closure of the Chilis too (betcha some of you locals don't know that yet).....Yep, it has to do with weird tax rates, Laguna Desmadre good ol' conjunto politics and our downright penchant for corruption here on the third world-third coast.

Of course I haven't even begun to rant about the new boy in the White House yet, and his plans for "economic stabilization".

Suffice it to say me and mine are:

a) becoming well armed (and proficient with those arms)
b) seeking to creatively disburse / hide / protect assets
c) seek out other like minded individuals
d) plan escape routes

So just stand by. I'll get back here REAL soon....Until then, keep your powder dry.

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